HB1454 Override Rally

YOU can help ensure NH’s lakes and rivers are protected from landfill leachate and PFAS by joining us at a permitted, legal HB1454 veto override rally in Concord on September 15.


1. Where: New Hampshire State House in Concord. Parking is on street or in garages on School Street or State Street.

2. When: September 15th – Rally at 11.  People should arrive by 10:45.

3. What to wear: BLUE is the color.

4. What to bring: home-made signs that say OVERRIDE HB1454.

5. For more information: contact Tom Tower Tomtower658@gmail.com.

PFAS is now contaminating the Merrimack river, which today is a landing zone of landfill garbage juice “leachate” as it exits a NH water treatment center and is becoming a toxic danger for southern NH communities. Lets not let PFAS and other toxic pollutants contaminate any of NH’s other cherished lakes or rivers.

HB1454, which passed the house and senate with strong bi-partisan support, will establish a science-based buffer between landfills and waters based on groundwater flow. Today’s buffer is a meager and arbitrary 200′.