Tuesday, December 6, 6-8PM
Profile Junior High School
691 Profile Rd, Bethlehem, NH 03574
The public will interact with NH DES as Casella seeks an additional 5.71 acre, 100-foot lateral expansion of the southern and eastern limits of the landfill, increasing capacity by 1.22million cubic yards.
Additionally, Casella NCES is seeking a waiver for ENV-SW 805.07 related to leak detection systems.
Casella NCES Bethlehem is running out of room ahead of schedule, due largely in part to the import of at least 30% of its rubbish from out of state sources. This expansion will supposedly extend the facility’s life span into 2023.
Commentary may also be sent directly to the DES at mailto:swpublic.comment@des.nh.gov by December 20, 2019 at 4PM.